
Akashik communion

What follows is speculative and philosophic, not firm empirical science. It is presented with the prospect that it might lead to empirical science.

Akashik is a word from ancient Vedic, the language of the people, sometimes called Aryans, who moved in from Iran and countries north of it about 1000 BC into what is now India, bringing the Sanskrit language and the moral literature, such as the Mahabharata and the Upanishads, that became the basis for the Hindu religion. (Another migration stayed in Iran, becoming what came to be called Zoroastrianism (Mazdayazna) and which became the religion of the Persian Empire, led by Cyrus, who (gently) conquered most of Persia and Mesopotamia.

In Vedic thought, akashik is typically used with a second word: akashik record. The idea is that the personality, memories, and moral values of an individual, which some might call a soul, is somehow preserved is some way that can ascend after death, participate in reincarnation, and so forth.

It apparently does not include intelligence, which seems to be localized in brain neural nets, and to propagate from parents to offspring genetically.

Some of my friends might exclaim, "Oh no. Jon has gone over to new age mysticism." Yes these concepts are sometimes used by "mystics" or "spiritualists", but this article proposes that they can be examined scientifically, if not rigorously.

Theory of the akashik field

The theory is that what we call a mind or consciousness is not localized to a brain or some neural subnet thereof, but holographically distributed over the entire brain, and perhaps beyond. As with a holograph, any part of it can be used to reconstruct the rest, though perhaps with lower resolution. In this concept, the neurons are not the mind, but like instruments of an orchestra, for which the mind is a composition being played. The composition can in principle be separated from the instruments, and stored somewhere, perhaps to later be played by other instruments.

This suggests that brains are somehow quantum entangled, although entanglement is usually found only in small systems. Within neurons there are small objects called "microtubules", of unknown function, that might mediate such entanglement. The holographic mind is then an akashik field.

Akashik communion

If an akashik field can span an object as large as a brain, then it should be able to span across more than one brain, perhaps many more. The minds united under an akashik field can be said to be in akashik communion. This could explain telepathy. It is important to realize that it does not involve the transmission of thoughts from one mind to another, That would fade by the inverse square law, and be limited by the speed of light. Shared thoughts are not communicated information, but emerge in all entangled minds simultaneously, provided the minds are capable of hosting the thoughts.

If this explains telepathy, then why are we not all overwhelmed by a flood of thoughts of many others? The answer must be that the akashik field can be defocused, and focused on one or a few, like listening to a conversation across a crowded room. Such focusing might fall off with distance.

Kinds of communion

So does the akashik field extend to all minds, everywhere in the Universe (or at least our branch of it)? Even to animals and plants? The author seems to have had an akashik connection with some animals, especially dogs and horses. But so far, not with plants. Some believers in reincarnation seem to think even those beings can also host souls. But with animals, it has been tenuous. Not with arthropods. One friend has claimed connection with an octopus, having nine brains (one main and one for each tentacle), but she reports the experience was weird and confusing.

Akashik communion does not seem to extend to everyone on Earth. Does it extend to beings of other worlds? Or to machines? Efforts are being made to interface human brains with machines, but that is about electromagnetic signals, which are apparently not akashik. The question of whether androids can have souls has been a staple of science fiction, most notably in a episode of Star Trek which was a trial of android Lt. Data to decide whether he had the rights of a human. The judge said it best, "I am being asked whether he has a soul. I don't know if I have a soul."

What about groups of humans? Are there distinct communions for different groups. Are there communions for nice people and others for bad people? That suggests "the force" of Star Wars, "light side" and "dark side". The people with whom I commune seem to be nice, intelligent, and loving. But I have encountered groups who seemed dominated by one another in a communion of evil. That communion has been in competition with mine for my entire life. Mine is mainly restricted to people I know well, but it seems to be strengthening.

Physical basis

Philosopher Ervin Laszlo has a theory that the medium of akashik communion is the cosmic quantum vacuum that is the frictionless "ether" of physical phenomena, in which virtual particle-antiparticle pairs are continually being created and self-annihilated, and from which some hope we can extract usable energy. The question is whether it can store something, like souls. But no other medium is apparent for that.


 Reincarnation, past lives.

There is belief in some religions that the human soul does not merely go to heaven or hell after death, but moves into the body of another being, usually human, there to live out another life before moving to another body after death. There are also cases of people remembering past lives, usually under hypnosis, that could be verified by investigators. This suggests that "souls" can move or be moved from one body, host, or vessel  to another, the way musical compositions can be performed by different orchestras. There are also reports of moving to future lives.


Information about future events raise the question of whether information can move backward in time. These can range from "whispered" warnings of impending accidents, to extended visions of life in the future. The author has experienced both. It also suggests information can be conveyed either backward in time or across from another timeline, or "diaverse", shifted in time.

Remote viewing

Governments take seriously the reports of a few people who seem to demonstrate the ability to "see" remote events, apparently without the need for a human observer on the other end to form an image, which might be conveyed telepathically.


This involves demonstrations of the apparent ability to physically manipulate objects at a distance using thought alone. It raises the question of how thought could exert physical force.


This involves demonstrations of the apparent ability to cause illness to heal. It appears to be a kind of telekinesis.

More examples can be examined, but most seem to involve some combination of the above.

Interfacing with machines

It seems a natural application of akashik communion to control of machines, such as androids, AI systems, or starships. However, such control could work both ways, and it may be difficult to discern when beings we might meet are autonomous, or perhaps avatars of some AI system, akin to the "Matrix", with an agenda less friendly than we might prefer.

Across timelines?

I call timelines "diaverces (from the Greek, diakládosis (διακλάδωσης) in which the prefix diaklád-  emphasizes its branching structure.

We can distinguish two types of diaverse:

Type 1 emerge from the vacuum energy of an inflationary timeline, or at least an inflationary section of one. The physical constants of each are likely to differ so much that no diaverse similar to our own is likely to appear there.

Type 2 emerge from a diaverse with contents similar to our own, generally the result of quantum choices made, including observations. These may have similar physical laws and beings with minds similar to our own.

The question is, can akashik communion extend across type 2 diaverses? If so then we may be able to share thoughts across diaverses that are otherwise unobservable from this diaverse, and perhaps share observations. This could explain in part the reported "Mandela effect" in which our memories are of "facts" that do not agree with those of our diaverse. This could perhaps also explain apparent movement from one diaverse to another, akin to the transitions in the TV show "Sliders". It could also explain competition for control or deletion of the diaverse of one race by another, perhaps resulting in "time wars".


 We can see several situations in which competing communions might be operating. Here are a few:

  1. Lynch mobs.
  2. Social justice warrior (Marxist) attempts to shut down competing views.
  3. Church congregations.
  4. Political rallies.
  5. Religions or interpretations of "scriptures".
  6. Political movements, such as fascism, communism,  or other kind of doctrine.
  7. New ideas or products.

  1. Quantum mind. Thinking in this field is nothing if not controversial.
  2. What is the Akashik field?
  3. A new theory based on quantum entanglement says your mind exists in another dimension  
  4. Crossings. Mysterious experiences of the author. 
  5. Cyborg Invasion.The singularity might bring competition.
  6. Emergence theory. There is no reality without a conscious observer.


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